Saturday, July 26, 2008

Journal page: First words

Larry has been amazing us so much with his verbal abilities. He's like a sponge. He wants to know the name of everything. But even beyond that, he "gets it." He'll turn around and blow us away by using a new word in complete context, and often days later. We couldn't be more proud. I wanted to capture some of that awe in my art journal.

The colors of summer

My chunky page in a monthly swap hosted by yours truly. This theme was to incorporate the colors of summer, using pastels and vivids that make you feel the season.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

This Wordle's for you!

Click on image to enlarge at Wordle site
Thanks to Lisa Vollrath at, I am now a Wordle fan! The site explains Wordle as a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. You can type in the words, or provide a link to a blog or Web site. What a great idea for art backgrounds! My cloud here is from my blog. Wordle says the images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Someone was holding a BINGO artist trading card swap
in one of my groups and I couldn't resist. Whipped these
out tonight, combo of Photoshop and cut-n-glue collage.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The organizer

I found this dusty rose and black art organizer
bag at a scrapbook shop last summer and salivated
over it until my mom offered to get it for my birthday. It's made by Tote*Ally. I love this thing. It has so many pockets and compartments, I can tote just about anything to my art group.
For the basics, I always take my scissors, glue, ruler
pens and X-acto knife. I'm one of those people who
prefer the razor knife to scissors. Then,
depending on the project we're planning to do,
I'll add ephemera, tins of embellishments and
scrap paper. I mean, you never know, right?
However, if it's too big or too much to fit in the
tote, it doesn't go with me.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Vintage quilted art on canvas

My scanner cut off the edges a bit, but this is more or less the entire piece. This is a fabric collage that I hand-stitched onto a 9x12 canvas, with some edges hanging. The image, from the Queen's Dresser Drawers, was screenprinted on muslin and colored by me with Tombow pens dilutable and blendable with water. I love the vintage look, so I ransacked the Queen's fabric stash for rustic-looking fabrics. The doilies and fabric tape measure added an authentic vintage touch. I antiqued the bright muslin a bit with a chalk pad.
I made this crazy-quilt collage over the weekend at an art gathering here in my town. What a sublime treat it was to rub shoulders with fellow altered artists for a few hours and create something yummy like this. I haven't been to the Queen's house for an art workshop in about a year because my son was so little and it was hard to be apart from him. Now Larry's getting older and more independent and I felt more at ease escaping for a few hours to create some art.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Journal page: A year of smiles

(click on image to enlarge)
Another journal page celebrating my son, Larry, and the joy I experience being his mother.
It wasn't hard finding pictures of him smiling -- he began in earnest at about 6 weeks old and hasn't stopped since -- and these 40 pictures start with the very first time I captured him laughing on camera at 7 weeks old and continue throughout his entire first year.
The last picture was taken a week or so ago.

Monday, July 07, 2008

First journal page: Light of my life

I love the idea of art journals, and there are so many good ones out there, but for some reason, I've always been reluctant to jump in. I have plenty of ideas, but I think I didn't want the pressure of committing to journaling (especially since I write all day). I decided to give it a shot after realizing that, hey, I didn't have to write a book or a startling revelation every time. I've always wanted, however, to celebrate the joyful and emotional experience of motherhood through my art somehow, so here's my first shot at both.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Hot Mona

Mona is prepared for summer. Original digital art by me
for a "Seasons of Mona" swap. Can you guess
what her tattoo means?