Friday, October 17, 2014

Accordian Art Book - no rules, just fun

Finished my first Accordion Art Book for a swap. This was so much fun. No rules, no pressure -- just gluing, collaging, stamping, stenciling and doodling wherever I fancied.

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Be Kind to Yourself

I've been on an art journal kick lately. Mostly leftover motivation from an in-person Dina Wakley class a few weeks ago -- finally jumped the art journal hurdle.

Sunday, August 03, 2014

A little art journaling tonight

Still immensely motivated by a Dina Wakley workshop I went to July 26 in Edmond, Okla. She's amazing and has helped me break down the barriers I was having to really get into art journaling. While I have never minded a blank canvas, I haven't been able to get a good fix on what art journaling means to me and how I should approach it. I now know it has to be a messy, sometimes grungy, non-perfect, wonderfully satisfying approach.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Alice and the tunnel: Some altered book fun!

Some altered book fun tonight. My friend's theme was "Once Upon a Time..." I cut the holes in these pages, was going for a "tunnel" effect using transparencies, cardstock and vellum. 

Sunday, January 05, 2014

A new year, a new lease on creative expression!

Finally -- FINALLY -- creating again after what feels like months of artistic inertia brought on by stress, holiday obligations, tiredness, etc. So much peace and inspiration today!

This journaling calendar is something I tried to do last year and got behind. I'm resolving to keep up this year. It's so easy to write a sentence or two as long as you get your monthly page done in advance.